Demystifying the Big Buzzwords In Events | BizBash LA

Posted August 4, 2014, 7:00 AM EDT by BizBash

At the Event Innovation Forum in Los Angeles, Scott Schenker examined some of the latest buzzwords the event and meeting industry is obsessed with.

These days it seems the event and meeting industry is obsessed with a constant stream of new buzzwords. But are they really as original as they seem? Do bright and shiny ideas blind us to the lessons—and the smart practices—of the past? At the Event Innovation Forum—Los Angeles on June 19, Scott Schenker, Microsoft’s general manager of worldwide events and Microsoft Production Studios, discussed concepts like selfies and gamification, exploring their origins to discover the core lessons they offer planners and marketers now—and how the industry should really look at innovation.



  1. ckwrites2 says:

    Nice approach Scott – interesting to see how many old ideas are refreshed when digital is added to the mix. And the Skype translator is regulation StarTrek stuff – very cool.

  2. Lisa says:

    Thank for the great perspective Scott. It’s so interesting to go back into our history to see what is defining our future. I was wondering, is OculusRift the evolution of ViewFinder?

  3. SBSchenker says:

    Lisa – in many ways I’d say yes, the OculasRift is an evolution of the ViewFinder, and the “3d” glasses even prior to that, a way of altering your field of vision to “enhance” it or manipulate the media to offer something “richer”

  4. Kylee says:

    Great presentation! It’s very thought provoking when you say “culturally folks weren’t ready to look beyond the universe” to explain the 100 year development gap between microscopes and telescopes. This is a very powerful statement and makes me wonder what things could exist today, but do not since we are not culturally ready for it.